Merciless firing damages Americans
Last year we saw Twitter ended up firing thousands of staffs and engineers with the direction of the new owner for further transformation of the company.
Those dismissed, we still remember, were desperate in sorrow.
The other IT giants followed suit.
So what, you might say.
This isn’t a new phenomena, rather a way of life as usual in America.
There are always bright sides and dark ones in everything.
freedom of firing, I know, has contributed to the prosperity of American businesses.
A flow of job changers might have vitalized American businesses.
What divided America?
Those who win will win.
This is the universal principle which serves capitalism.
No problem.
But look at the reality in which American people are divided.
The division, I believe, is between the gifted and the not-gifted.
The not-gifted are those who are vulnerable enough to losing jobs.
I once was one of those vulnerable ended up being fired by an American consultancy 35 years ago when I worked for the company as a practical trainee.
That was so painful enough to tell me that that firing is the last thing employers should do.
The proof is shown in this book.
This book brought home to me that despite race, gender or nationality no one is free from having shocks, sorrows and hurt self-esteem and the other negative feelings lasting long.
Some say Americans have gotten used to this but the book told me the opposite.
American people appear to suffer much more with employer-sided firing than transferring to new environments.
Japanese company as a No 1 host for workers
Now is the time for admiring firing-free Japanese companies.
They might give you less salary than the American counterparts.
But that may be costs so that every worker enjoys working lives with no concern against losing jobs.
We are living in the age of declining number of workers.
I believe Japanese companies are having this advantages of attracting Americans who were fed up with the way American companies treated them.
Japanese companies, rise up and cry for no-firing policy for drawing workers.
I will write the logics behind no-disemployment policy in subsequent columns except that Japan opts for stability to competition.
Ichiro Noro
Professor, Seiwa University